

Dear my sweetest lover,

I can not thank you enough for coming into my life. You have been the biggest blessing that I could have asked for in 2019.

You came into my life when I needed you – I was crying over a guy who was not worth a single tear and you came into my life to show me that. To show me that all the boys that I have ever shed a tear for were not worth it. To show me that I am silly to be wasting my youthful days over silly boys who never understood my worth.

Just before you came into my life I was struggling – i was struggling with loving myself and with understanding why love is so hard.

You spent 6 months with me. 6 months that i would not trade for anything else in the world. The 6 months have been some of the best times in my life and i can not thank you enough.

It’s truly heartbreaking to see you leave, but i know that the universe sent you into my life to show me what i really needed. The universe showed me through you what love looks and feels like.

How incredible is the universe, for allowing us both to experience these amazing 6 months together.

I am so blessed to know what true love feels like.

The best part is that you have no idea how much of a blessing you have been to me.

All along you have simply been yourself, the person who is so sweet and loving (something that I have never experienced before). I love you for that. If i could, i would keep you by my side, but i know it’s not the right thing to do. But maybe in the future we will be together again, and maybe this time it will be even better because the universe works in magical ways.

So for now, even though my heart is breaking into pieces – I will cherish our memories that we have had together and you will always have a place in my heart, forever.

Take care, love.

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